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Travelling /Spain. Barcelona 2016

To travel is to evolve

by 2KCountries 2016. 8. 8.

              VIajar eS evolucIONar...

I've never seriously thought about the meaning of this phrase. But getting older I become more deeply understand importante of travelling. 

For me it helps a lot to evolve emotionally, spiritually, mentally and physically. Travel helps to meet new friends, learn about culture, food & tradition of other countries. 

Travelling opens your mind...You stop "living in a box". You change your perspectives. 

I want to share about my travelling to Barcelona. Of course it was not just a travel. But I had plenty of time to enjoy my trip. 

From the first day I felt that Barcelona is tourist city for 100%. There are a lot of tourists from different countries (China, Turkey, USA, German, Russia, Japon and etc). I secretly made some photos of koreans. ^^


Every morning I started from European breakfast that was looking like this. (fresh juice, black coffee and sandwitch or croissant) 

Barcelona is an art city. Architects from all around the world flock to the city to visit much of its more modern architecture. To Barcelona, architecture is so much more than just Antonio Gaudi. But his name is the most famous in our days. Here are just some photos taken by me from La Pedrera (Casa Mila). It was the last civil work designed by architect Antonio Gaudi. And some photos from Park Guell that I visited too. 


Atmosphere of the city helps you just to relax and be yourself. This city is multicultural because here work indian taxists, turkish waiters, shopmen from Pakistan, China and other countries. And all of them speak Spanish. There are so many people who came to Barcelona 10-15 years ago, some of them came alone, some of them with their families and just stayed there.

Here are some more photos of this amazing city...Ojala que volvere aqui otra vez...


