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[Korean reaction]Fukushima Begins Marine Discharge of Treated Water Amidst Concerns and International Scrutiny

by 2KCountries 2023. 8. 26.

On the 24th, Japan began the marine discharge of contaminated water (referred to as 'treated water' by the Japanese government) from the Fukushima No.1 Nuclear Power Plant.

TEPCO, the company operating the Fukushima nuclear plant, initiated the release of the contaminated water that had been stored in tanks, in accordance with the government's decision from the 22nd. 


This release comes roughly 12 and a half years after the Fukushima nuclear disaster that followed the Great East Japan Earthquake on March 11, 2011.


Fukushima nuclear reactor preparing for release

The water had undergone purification through the Advanced Liquid Processing System (ALPS) and was stored in tanks within the Fukushima No.1 plant site. While ALPS can remove 62 radioactive materials, including cesium, it leaves behind tritium and small amounts of carbon-14.

There are concerns and protests from local fishermen and neighboring countries, including China. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is monitoring the situation for safety.



[Korean reaction]

Yoon Seok-yeol's voters, Yoon Seok-yeol himself, and those Japanese should all drink it.


Has this government ever opposed anything even once? A government that should reassure its citizens only amplifies their anxieties. And yet, they say we should have children! Would you if you were in our shoes? Ah! The president doesn't have to worry about having children, after all.


I feel so frustrated, angry, and sorry for our future generations... It's truly a sad day. Still, let's not give up. Many citizens need to pay attention and oversee the process. If we can stop it halfway, there's a chance. Let's not give up, and protect South Korea with our collective strength.


Can tritium be diluted with modern science? Ha, next year's general election will turn into a Korea/Japan contest!


Self-proclaimed conservatives have started their release. Along with Yoon Seok-yeol supporters, they should enjoy Japanese sushi while shouting long live the emperor.

**It's important to note that these comments are just a subset of individual reactions to a specific news event and do not represent the overall public opinion. While presenting genuine reactions is crucial, it's equally essential to understand that there might be cultural or societal context differences that could lead to misunderstandings. Hence, a thorough explanation accompanying such comments is advisable. Moreover, to ensure balanced information dissemination, it's recommended to include a diverse range of opinions and not just extreme ones.



